I feel Success comes from a constant focus on bettering yourself. You can't complain about your current situation if you're doing nothing to change it. If you don't like where you're at in your career then take every moment you have while you're at work to study your coworkers, watch education videos, connect with other stylists online (FSESOCiAL.COM), ask questions, practice on a mannequin, learn to take better Instagram photos, clean your workspace, study the latest trends, There is literally hundreds of things you could be doing. Being a successful Hair Stylist takes years of dedication. Don't waste your time complaining about what you don't have or what other people aren't giving you.Spend your time working toward what you want.

May 28, 2016 — Matt Beck


Gina said:

I have very long hair (waist) but would only trust Matt Beck to touch my hair. I’m in NYC but the closest salon on your search is in Hope, Pennsylvania. Need Matt in my life. ;)

John said:

Hey Matt what’s your favorite ys park combs and your favorite color line and color brushes,have you tried the new Magic cordless clipper?Thanks Matt

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